Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, June 19, 2024
The More You Honor Me, The More I Will Bless You
Message of Jesus Child of Prague to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 6, 2024

Invoke Me, pray to Me. Believe in Me your King, God, Lord, Redeemer, your Divine Child of PRAGUE.
I will give you many graces, privileges. I will help you if you honor Me, if you pray to Me.
Pray to Me, I help those who call upon Me in faith. Entrust yourselves to Me, do not fear Satan.
Pray, pray, pray. Have faith, hope, charity. Believe in Me, in Mary Most Holy Virgin of Reconciliation. Pray to Me.
Accept the Appeal of Heaven in Brindisi, believing in the Manifestation of the Heavenly Court. Accept the Messages. Pray the Chaplet* to Me, Divine Child of PRAGUE, and you will have special graces.
Follow Fatima which continues NOW in Brindisi.
Make Holy Altars at home and pray in the FAMILY and you will have Peace.
Dark Times are coming. New Earthquakes there will be in Greece, Albania. Pray.
Scourges will come down for corrupt and deviant ministers sons who do not follow Us, listen, believe and really love
For the Mason sons and bishops of the false church the scourges will descend again.
Fear not, Little Flock who follow Us. Remember that Satan rules the heretical and apostate church, that many bishops and ministers worship and serve Satan.
Remember that they will not win, but God the Living.
The priests, bishops and laity, who serve the BEAST to destroy the TRUE BELIEF, will be punished by Us if they do not repent soon.
Listen to Us, follow Us. The false church is an emanation of Lucifer. Antichrists were and are there, but the real Antichrist will come at the End.
Correspond to the Fatima Call, which continues in Brindisi at Little Fatima, Refuge of the Elect, Ark of Salvation.
I bless you My children. Do not fear adversity, trials, sickness, precariousness, I will help you. Keep the Word of God in the HEART, OUR TEMPLE.
Preserve the old BIBLES, for they will want to change them. Watch out.
The devil is furious and, with the last drag of his tail, he will strike many souls to destabilize them and make them his own. He is divisive, accuser, rebel, envious, persecutor of the Elect and true Believers, and of the true Apparitions.
Where We come the demons also come, but with Faith they beat a retreat. With Faith, Prayer they depart to the Underworld.
Satan is condemned to the Pool of Fire and Sulfur with the fallen, rebellious angels, with Judas, Cain, Nero.
Meditate and concatenate these Teachings that speak to you about duality, good and evil, inner combat, the End Times, the incarnate demons, the false and true church, the Very New, the REAL FIGHT to save the immortal soul. It does not disintegrate after death. Hell is not empty unfortunately.
Satan exists, and with legions he works and strikes. Those who believe will be saved, those who do not believe in the Only Begotten Son are already condemned (Gospel).
To be saved one must believe, pray, fast, not murmur. Try to understand all this. SHALOM.
Prayer to Infant Jesus of Prague
Dearest Jesus, little Infant of Prague, how tenderly You love us! Your greatest joy is to dwell among us and to bestow Your blessing upon us. Though I am not worthy that You should help me, I feel drawn to You by love because You are kind and merciful. So many who turned to You with confidence have received blessings and had their petitions granted. Behold me as I come before You to lay open my heart to You with its prayers and hopes. I present to You especially this request, which I enclose in Your loving Heart (state Your request). Rule over me, dear Infant Jesus, and do with me and mine according to Your holy will, for I know that in Your divine wisdom and love You will arrange everything for the best. Do not withdraw Your hand from me, but protect and bless me forever. I pray You, all-powerful and gracious Infant Jesus, for the sake of Your sacred infancy, in the name of Your blessed Mother Mary who cared for You with such tenderness, and by the greatest reverence with which St. Joseph carried You in his arms, help me in my needs. Make me truly happy with You, dearest Infant, in time and in eternity, and I shall thank You forever with all my heart. Amen.
Source: ➥
Chaplet of the Infant Jesus of Prague*
Directed by heavenly guidance, Venerable Sister Marguerite of the BI. Sacrament (1619-1648), a Carmelite nun, fashioned the Infant Jesus Chaplet. Because its recitation pleases Him so very much, Jesus promised Ven. Sister Marguerite that the faithful who recite it in memory of His Birth, His Flight into Egypt, and His Hidden Life at Nazareth, will not only be granted the special graces of purity of heart and innocence, but in addition will be unfailingly assisted by His Divine Help in all their spiritual and temporal wants. Cures and miracles without number were wrought through devotion to the Divine Child… Moreover, to encourage the use of this Holy Chaplet, Pope Pius IX granted a 100 days indulgence for each recitation, also applicable to the Poor Souls (Aug. 9, 1855).
(Source: From )
Whilst meditating on the goodness of the Infant Jesus:
Divine Infant Jesus, I adore Thy Cross and I accept all the crosses Thou will be pleased to send me. Adorable Trinity, I offer Thee for the glory of the Holy Name of God, all the adoration of the Sacred Heart of the Holy Infant Jesus.
Three times, in honour of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph:
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.
Pater Noster …
Twelve times, in memory of the twelve years of Jesus and His Sacred Infancy:
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us.
Ave Maria …
In conclusion:
Holy Infant Jesus, bless and protect us.
Source: ➥